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A member registered Mar 14, 2021 · View creator page →

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The air controls are a bit  S T R O NG I agree! But it makes the speedrunning a bit better!
Thank you for the review! We recently patched some bugs and invited you to try it again sometime to give us more feedback! Thanks for playing!

For the castle level (3) if you get closer to the wall you can make the jump from one wall to the other just takes a bit of time adjusting to the controls! :)
Thank you for the review! We recently patched some bugs and invited you to try it again sometime to give us more feedback! Thanks for playing!

The controls are some of the things we just couldn't make better in 2 days, the slide side effect is using rigid bodies instead of character controllers, where there are some pros and cons :/. I think there was a bug with the controls and it has been fixed feel free to try again now :)
Thank you for the review! We recently patched some bugs and invited you to try it again sometime to give us more feedback! Thanks for playing!

The checkpoints were intentional for the extra difficulty but as a player I 100% agree with you on the frustration. Especially in level 4 its made to be so hard that I failed 98% of them but personally, I like the vibes of these hard games.
Thank you for the review! We recently patched some bugs and invited you to try it again sometime to give us more feedback! Thanks for playing!