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A member registered Dec 27, 2015 · View creator page →

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Dunno if you ever figured this out but going to mention same text that is within the readme:

Remember to launch the game through mod's provided launcher.

Launching the game as normal results in double speed game.

(1 edit)

Yes, that is where my current save is within the manually downloaded version. However, itch app version's folder looks different to me, so I am uncertain I can do the simple copypaste of the files.

EDIT: I don't want to cause too much extra fuss for you, so I can also stick to manually downloaded version, I suppose simply replacing the folder with newly downloaded one should do the trick since saves are in a seperate location.

Hey, tried out the game recently and enjoying it quite a lot so far.

I realised afterwards that I could download it for itch app instead of manual download, but the save doesn't transfer over. Is there a way to use the save I had going within Itch app's game?

Thank you in advance to whoever could be of assistance.