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Cyber Apps

A member registered Jul 31, 2017 · View creator page →

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What's the difference between the Github version and this one on twitch?

Is there extra modules or more assets?

You could always use      

You can isolate data from program and different boxes, I use it for browsers and games that support it basically you can have finite versions of a save  files

I like the update! Thanks for making this amazing  software!

I've been using this to make personal Minecraft mods  objects, this tool been very helpful over the years. Keep up the amazing work Kenney 😀

what sin have you created

(2 edits)

When moving the canvas with WASD,  W and A work, but D doesn't work, and S is double Bound to Down + Right

I like the game :D

My only dislike is the pace is way to fast for the quickly moving left and right movements, you need to have rapid fingers to dodge the barriers, maybe adding a longer board to show more upcoming barriers and jumps. Takes away from enjoying the songs while trying to stay alive.

Not his problem,  schools can block programs as they see fit.

Just a false positive.

Is there way to actually goto the exact book shelf to find words/ phrases 

it says "GO" to the room/page specified above; but it just opens the page instead, and not going to the room

or is it just impossible ?