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A member registered Nov 25, 2023

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look, I am not a cop nor am  going to say that all cops are good (which is not true as there are many corrupt and evil cops) but I believe that your  short drawing(whatever intentional or not) is setting up the idea that the police are bad and that  even the most evil of criminals do not deserve to go to jail or prison. I’m not  trying to discourage you from making more games especially( drawing games drawing games on my favorite types of games )I’m just saying you could just make  a drawing game about why we should report criminals or any other theme really.

Justice void

Go idea, but going too far
Justice 3/5
based on the pictures, I can tell that you dislike Police officers (probably because you you had a bad encounter with a corrupt cop)but I don’t get why you want to spread that opinion to others when most police officers try to maintain the law and all putting all cops into one group and laying them all as the bad guys it’s going to do is to keep people from realizing not all cops are going to shoot you in the face just because you’re black, or throw you in the jail just because you stood up for gay rights, or Are you even fed to arrest you For picking up trash.  I hope that you are able to understand that Why we Can’t just get rid of jail and police officers just because we have a few bad apples especially due to high amount of crime and corruption in America.