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A member registered Nov 20, 2016 · View creator page →

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this game made me cry so hit home with my little sister who passed away at 17. she just wanted to leave this earth so badly. she did and the last part- reading all the things she misses and cant do anymore broke me. I wanna say thank you but also heck you at the same time. thanks

yeah so i paid for the game and it gives me an incomplete download...uh?

atmostphere was okay. the ending and how i got there was totally infuriating and not worth the effort. the endless left turns make this game not scary at all. good attempt but it was a big let down in the end. 

where is chapter 2?? it says its out but i do not see the download for it :/

VERY good game! Impressive that it was made in two months! Going back to donate more for your work! Thank you!