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A member registered Sep 21, 2020 · View creator page →

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regular snake except captcha. interesting concept, definitely want more upgrades tho

game is very confusing 

why do tires keep dropping on my head? 😣

Good game very interesting

My iq dropped playing this.

Drifting is definitely an interesting idea. Game feels kind of slow though.

Very interest concept. Definitely feels like a remix of the original game.

Very interesting game, although the graphics and audio are kind of questionable. Good job!

Game is really simple and calm. Sounds are very squishy. 

Game is pretty interesting for the amount of time spent on it.

(2 edits)

haha yeah i reread the thing, that's my bad! this is not foddian in the slightest. i would definitely polish this 100% if I had more time, but I started this 16 hours before the jam started and it was well past my sleep time. I'm thinking on expanding on this idea, maybe actually make it a foddian game (haha) and add an actual end screen. Thank you so much for the review!

p.s I also tried incorporating momentum via the formula. momentum = mass * velocity. the weight of the person should've been his "mass" and the launch pads give you more velocity, resulting in momentum.