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A member registered 75 days ago · View creator page →

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Cute design overall! The game is a good kind of rage game (like Flappy Bird etc). As far as critique goes I feel like there is a lack of reward meaning when you get to each level with the egg(s) there isn't much indicator or visual/sound element to feel like a win (but that's a very minor detail). Really enjoyed it Good Job!! <3

I admire the ratio of health to enemy health and other numbered ratios that made the game playable, something in the future is maybe changing the key bindings or a way to make the movement less chunky (for me it felt like it had some lag or delayed reactions) even if you used mouse and click for movement while still having the arrow keys for the shoot mechanic it could benefit from it.

I love the concept and narrative direction of the game. The only issue imo is maybe the layout (visually) was confusing.