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A member registered Feb 03, 2022 · View creator page →

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Really love the game! The story has a great meta-narrative quality to it while still staying rooted in its characters and their feelings. The mechanics are intuitive and just fooling around to see what golems result from which combinations, or trying to find all of the angry mob's immunities, is fun! The art style is cute and consistent, especially the golem designs, and hunting through the regions for secrets is rewarding. Three issues I noticed: 

  • Many of the words of power seem to break (always on) if you use them while playing with no time limit. Additionally, the +50% amount effect seems to update every time the ingredient is checked: every mouse-over (with the ingredient preview effect on) shows the amounts given as higher than the last and dropping the ingredient in the cauldron gives more than the preview says it will.
  • The divination gems seem to do nothing. I checked Steam discussions and it looks like they're supposed to change the mouse pointer but that was causing performance issues (as it is wont to do) so maybe it was dropped? Having something on-screen that lights up instead would be great.
  • After finishing the game for the first time and getting Ending 3 I had two errors I was forced to "ignore" and then it showed an area I had never seen before. Hills in background with some stone, like the Village, but a flat stone plane near the bottom of the screen with a large hole near the middle. Is there some sort of plot-relevant scene or animation there?