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A member registered Dec 10, 2019

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Please make 32bit binary for Windows.

(1 edit)

Please add option to change game screen resolution (as screen size x1, x2, x3, x4) and fullscreen option too.

And some option to change control buttons.

Ummm, looks interesting, but please make 32-bit binaries, at least for Windows.

Also, if possible, a GL and/or software version for Windows too :P

A Vanesa Mayonesa no le gusta esto.

Please make win32 binaries too :(

Thanks for your reply.

I'm not active in twitter, but ok I'm following you just in case heh

I would like more something as a Telgram group to check the news :P but ok

Wow, cool game!
I  think Simont Quest is a very underrated game, Is my favority castlevania from NES.
I like really view people like too, is really cool which you have added also Richter Movements.

It's really fun to see "Simon" doing the Slide, or Back Somersault, great addition!

Some points I'd like comment to you

1. Have you thinked add translations support? I would like translate the game in Spanish, however is not possible make this properly yet, please add spanish characters in the font, or use one with these :P

áeíóúÁÉÍÓÚñÑ¿¡ , etc

2. Check these hacks, have some nice improvements
2.1 In game map
2.2 Control their x-velocity in mid-air while jumping

3. Please a option to modify the game controls.