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A member registered May 03, 2022

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I absolutely loved Huxley in the game and reminds me of how i am in general. I tend to be realistic and very self reliant not because i see inadequacy in other but because you CANT rely on others to fill you with validation or purpose. No one can do that for you because theyre not you! Unfortunately it does tend to come from a very tired perspective because of the experiences one had to go through to reach that type of mindset to begin with so I ABSOLUTELY LOVED the choices you made for Huxley~

And dahlia reminded me of how i used to be. And its very gut wrenching to see how things couldve metaphorically happened if i stayed that way! Unfortunately yeah i ended up hating her but i think i was supposed to. I loved her design and how real it felt tho! 

You made these characters feel VERY real and it PERSONALLY resonated with myself and how ive matured as a person and also being given an insight as to HOW unhealthy behaviours such as codependency can affect oneself that was present in Dahlia can most often lead to such uh... "Circumstances."


Because it could definitely use a TINY bit more cgs but as an artist myself i can imagine the workload so im happy that the stuff we got is ALREADY THIS GOOD! 

Nicely done!