After some experimenting I have found that editing the first line in the "Game Text Prompt" in the System Prompts section of the settings has provided me with a more enjoyable experience. I replace the section saying "direct the player" with a phrase that contains "provide the player with a narrative decision point" and then something about giving the player the ability to move the story forward or give the player options to continue the narrative. The second half of the phrase has been the variable part of my experiments. For me it has curbed the habit of the AI producing an entire short story with a conclusion (with the one paragraph limit turned OFF). I have encountered some instances of the AI putting lists of possible actions to take in the event text instead of in the choice boxes, but it stops if I start a new game. It's not perfect but something I have been trying.
A member registered Apr 27, 2020
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I am having difficulty getting past 16%, I can't get three opportunities to turn lights on one bar fast enough to be able to switch and get three more lit before one bar over fills. As a result I get too few coins to be able to afford upgrades in a reasonable amount of time. I'm not sure if the best option is to slow the juice bar growth, reduce the amount of lights, speed up the slider, or reduce the price of upgrades by making them smaller incremental upgrades with more levels