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Critical Twits Brian

A member registered Aug 06, 2016

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Hi, Brian from the Critical Twits here - we've reviewed Stak Bots (spoiler - we really like it!) and also interviewed Tom from Dogeared games about the project and the tabletop card game as well. You can find it here: here.

Hope you enjoy, let us know what you think!

Thanks for sharing! I've not played any of those other games - thanks again, this time for sorting out my spare time this weekend!

Loved this, especially the one bit that I can't talk about because it would spoil things but which actually creeped me right out! I included this in my list of the best free horror games on, which you can see here:

Good luck with your future projects!

Loved this, such a great concept and quirky aesthetic. I included it in my round-up of the best free horror games on, which is here:

Any news on moving forward with a full game? I'd love to keep up to date and share your progress with our readers!

Hello! I recently included this in my round up of the best free horror games on; you can find that here:

I'm really excited to play a full version of this, the characters were really well put together and the puzzling was nice and logical. Keep up the good work, and I wish you success with the full game!

Well done on the game, I really enjoyed it. I did a little mini-review for Dirge Mag as part of a round up of free horror games from this site, which you can check out here:

I especially enjoyed the feeling of doing lots of little bits at once, took me back to my Covert Action days. And I mean that as the highest compliment! :D

Really enjoyed the game, made me jump with fright at least three times which makes it a win in my book! I covered it in my round-up of free horror games for Dirge Magazine, which you can find here:

Well done on creating something so professional at this stage in your careers, you've got great futures ahead of you!