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A member registered Sep 29, 2021

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(1 edit)

I've just bought the game on gog, it's on sale there.

I also noted that on steam it's listed for the same price as here, only in euros. So it's slightly more expensive there.

I don't get all these inconsistencies in pricing, but I suppose it's transparent to you.

Can't wait to try out the game, saw several gameplays on youtube and it looked great!

Nice job guys, thanks.

Hi,I was considering purchasing the game (didn't decided yet). I have a question: since it comes with a steam key, does it have the same DRM system? 

Remove construction does the trick. Sorry for the non-existent issue.

By the way, great job!

Purchased the game yesterday (here on and very happy with it!

I'm not sure (maybe I'm not familiar enough with controls yet) but I think there is no way to unmake storage squares.

Reading around on internet, some say "remove construction" will do but it doesn't. I've also tried "unclaim territory" to no result.

Could it be because the square is actually ouside of the mountain?

Thank you very well for your support. I probably pressed F4 inside the bot window, not inside eggnogg. I'll try that at the next occasion and revise all optiones you gave me.

Again, very thanks for your attention.

I can control my dummy, but the other (the one supposed to be controlled by the bot) doesn't move.

Yes, I did reconfigured the keys, tried with both player 1 and 2 as well etc.

By the way, I've been always thinking: why don't you talk with Eggnogg's developer? It would be nice to have the bot integrated into the original game.

Moreover, that way this kind of problems won't even exist.

Hi, I love Eggnogg but I can't get the AI bot working. It seems it latched on the input, but the other player stays still all the time anyway. :'(

I'm a GOG user (not fond of Steam's DRM approach). Please, make this game available on GOG!