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A member registered Jan 17, 2023

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Ah gotcha, I saw that in the patch notes, didn't realize those were the patreon patch notes. Makes more sense.

How do you get the new bunny girl? I also didn't find the other level or how to switch to it if that's what you're supposed to do. I got to floor 69 and noticed a long time before that the levels were repeating mostly, so I just killed myself and got more money than I know what to do with

Haven't been able to load up the last two game versions. Every time I do, it comes up with an issue. Seems to be from line 3 of the moddownloadthread file. Not sure what to do to fix it or what the issue is. I'm not running any mods.

Where would my save file be to move to a new version? I can't find it anywhere, and I confirmed that I do have saved progress on the old version. Any help would be appreciated.