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A member registered Jul 11, 2017 · View creator page →

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Hey Dynewolf. I was wondering if the more confidence you have on spencers line means that you top him eventually or not.

sorry guys that was my bad, I wasn't a later in at the time so I didn't know.

Hi Dyne_wolf, I just wanted to ask you if you could edit Spencer's guide, I read through it and a lot of it was very confusing. Not the parts between topping with more confidence and bottoming with more love, but some errors are present. If you'd like for me to help you give me a shout.

I can't wait! I really wish to become a later on so that I could get more updates but unfortanetly I dont have the money😢 but none the less keep on going.

i think it was coach but dont go off of me, it was just an observation since coach has more days than any other character (20-21) I believe. I do wish Darius had more he's the least updated (12-13, may by less). 

Unfortanetly I do not believe so, trust me I've looked. A bit of advice though, create two save files, one for completing the story and one to try out diffrent dialogue options so that if you feel you made a mistake you can easily go back and change without starting that character all over again. I find it much easier.

(1 edit)

Wow, this game is really good. I have the android version (no computer), but overall so far I love it. The only character I haven't completely finished (with what's avaliable so far) is Chester. All of the characters are well developed, designs are great, and even minor characters are pretty hotand add to the story well. Please update more I can't wait to see how much more you (DyneWolf) have in store for us.