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A member registered Mar 23, 2021

Recent community posts

quick question do ya plan to add the spells that ya can learn from pixie to this version of lust doll in the future?

thx also I ran into the issue with bell and the workshop as mentioned by another player of ur game had to force quit and load the last save oof I know u replied with fixing the issue and hope the next update will work also when updating to the new version is save data transferred from old version to next version or do I have to make a new save game? aka new game

(2 edits)

can't find Fawn anywhere in upper new ark city and also can't even freaking figure out why the renovations to my milk farm ain't done yet? can anyone tell me why this is occurring and where i can find fawn cause the wiki says in the college in the cafeteria but I'm in it right now as I post this and nope nada ain't there?

Edit: huh apparently u have to have bell at the farm for a few in-game days for it to work TwT

Edit:NVM found out eventually lol I am bad at trying to find this stuff out xD