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A member registered May 17, 2023 · View creator page →

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The text is on both sides of the screen. If the text was on one side and the game was on the other then that might be a little better. The game itself was a little too fast.

The gameplay was fun and the gameplay loop was engaging. The only problem is that the game starts off taking out a good chunk of aliens. 

The gameplay was a little raw but I like the concept. The game was also pretty good.

The gameplay was a little raw but I like the concept. The game was also pretty good.

The game was interesting and had a great gameplay loop. I enjoyed the idea and the art. The player's controls were a little confusing as it only moved the player a little when a or d was pressed.

I had trouble interacting with the game at first but the once the itchio page decided to work, I was able to move and loved the gameplay loop. The art for the game was really interesting.