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A member registered Jul 13, 2022

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yea I agree, I wasn't able to make the enemies more advanced to avoid that, I thill think more about the enemies next time, thats for the criticism! :D

thanks I'm happy you enjoyed it :D

yea I agree, but I wasn't able to make the enemies better before the deadline, thanks for the criticism I will think about that more in the next jam! :D

thank you! I'm happy that you liked it! :D

thanks, I appreciate that. 

I probably should have explained how it works a bit better but didn't have any time for people to test it.

but thank you for the comment much appreciated! :D

also, I forgot to disable shooting after the player dies ._.


I really appreciate that :D 

thanks for the comment, I did notice that bug but couldn't find a way to fix it that didn't lag the game ALOT would you have any ideas? 

I'm happy you enjoyed it! :D

I'm glad you enjoyed it! :D 

and thanks for the criticism, if I / when I make another game I will take that into account. :D

thanks, I appreciate that! :D

thanks! :D