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A member registered Apr 28, 2020 · View creator page →

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That's interesting. I wonder if there is some WASM feature that makes it more difficult after on subsequent loads.

Agreed, the move_marbles example for xpbd had me mesmerized and I knew I had to use it somehow.

Bees go brrr.


Thank you!

The screen size/resolution shouldn't matter, the world size is independent of that and the same for everyone. I have noticed that it slows down faster on my Linux machine than on my Mac.


Very fun! I love the incentive to get a bunch of followers at once. The popup about which icon was just hit makes it a little hard to see, but only if I'm going downwards.

It seems like the worker bees are spawning at different rates with the WASM build on different OSes. What browser/OS were you playing on?

That was fun! And surprisingly well balanced for a jam game. Well done.

Impressive. Yep, being unable to move is the end state. There's no end screen currently.

My highest score is 82! Let me know how you do!

My highest score is 82! Let me know how you do!

The idea was to have the knight be able to attack the snake, but I ran out of time.