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A member registered Dec 11, 2021 · View creator page →

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I played the game today and I was wondering the same! I would love that poster! 

Do not get in just walk back and forth between the opening and closing doors, then atempt to leave the elevator area and a cutscene will start. Then you can actually get on the elevator :D

hahhaa had the same problem xD We were just too good for the game xD 

it tells you to go clockwise and then from the color it shows you next :D So if it shows you yellow, go clockwise to the next color from yellow. 

Oh what a fun little game this was! It is a short and sweet game great for stream in between bigger games. I streamed it as a filler and I don't regret a thing! We had some great laughs as well as some good scares. I would highly recommend using the over the shoulder perspective if you are having trouble with the controls. I sure did!
The credit song by "Skulptur" is a bop!!!

Ending 1: Don't help the Reindeer (Do not take the Med kit with you)
Ending 2: Help the Reindeer and then go home
Ending 3: Help the Reindeer and hop onto the Slay

This is such a cute Christmas themed Horror game! <3 We had a lot of fun with it!

(1 edit)

I really enjoyed this! I'll be playing all of the Emika Games for sure!