Hi, sorry to bother you! Page14 (new events d100) is a little crazy looking - looks like all the text is present but it's.... Everywhere!
Any idea what's up with that? 馃榾馃槻
Sorry to bother you again! Pg14 ("new events D100") looks a bit crazy! Is that intentional or has something broken somewhere along the way?
On my screen the text is all there, the text is all there, just it's all over the place 馃榿
Oh, aye, absolutely! 馃ぃ I'm surprised you had time to update the text at all!
I'm pretty sure it's needing updated on DriveThruRPG as well btw (I bought it there first then came here to double check)
Anyhoo, thank you for the assistance! Best of luck/happy parenting! 馃槂
"As of June 8, 2021, this game has been updated"
The dev log says the r4 version (also the version available for download) released in Dec 05, 2020?
How do we get the newer version as shown in the images? (Same version on DriveThruRPG)