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A member registered Nov 30, 2015 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)

I wanted to see if anyone else has had this problem.

I tend to go back and forth when zooming in and out with code. Either with ctrl + mouse wheel, or ctrl + "-"/ "+".

Weird thing is, when using the ladder, it sort of borks the UI. I can zoom out [ctrl + "-"] but can't zoom back in. Plus, it's not just the code that's zoomed, like when using the mouse wheel.

I also haven't been able to find if this zoom property is stored anywhere that I can edit.

Here's an extreme example:

(2 edits)

Any and all bugs and/or suggestions should be posted here for the best visibility.

Remember some of the information recommended for bug reporting (though, not required, just makes it easier on me):
 -A video, gif, or photo for visual aid
 -A brief description of the bug in question as well as how to reproduce it if possible
 -Information on the top left corner of the hud (seed, level, world, etc, this can be included with visual aid)

Also a few brief reminders for suggestions:
 -This is a prototype, nothing is final
 -Likely all visuals will be overhauled, but if something is difficult to look at, please let me know for future reference
 -I am accepting suggestions for weapons and augmentations, don't hesitate to lend your voice!

With all of that said, welcome! Please enjoy the demo!