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A member registered Jun 06, 2020

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SUPER wholesome game I adore the care these bros have for each other.

Love the frog! lots of personality packed into a little green amphibian XD

that was a unique point of view for a bit game I really did feel like a cat! <3 Very short, very satisfying!

That was very wholesome and I felt satisfied getting the kitty home :)  I enjoyed your sample game it gave me a smile. 

I enjoyed the visual commentary with the way the puzzles were presented and the memes were really funny! XD thanks for putting this together! <3

This was fun to try all the different scenarios and see what each conversation path would do to the ending. The way we chose our dialogue options was unique I haven't seen that in game play before and it was engaging. I felt like it mattered exactly how I structured the sentence. fantastic work on this game making all of the characters interesting enough to have me invested in the plot through and through!

i VERY MUCH enjoyed sleuthing through this phone!  It was a fantastic informative look into trans lives and I enjoyed the ending it thematically tied everything together in a beautifully thoughtful way.  The puzzles were challenging enough so that we felt proud solving them but not too challenging that I felt like giving up. 10/10!

I very much enjoyed the designs of the characters, there's this pose that whiskers would make that would make me crack up every time like :l  I enjoyed the personalities of dahlia and huxley they kept me invested to the end!  The art direction was consistent throughout and It was really nice to play a horror game that didn't make me feel grossed out with over the top shock value type things.