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A member registered Jan 02, 2020 · View creator page →

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Thanks for the feedback! Looking back, definitely could have made it more clear for the player. I ran out of time for true play testing, and since I have intimate knowledge of the layout, I didn't run into that issue, lol

Will definitely have my little brother playtest in the future (assuming he doesn't catch onto the fact I based the map off a previous D&D campaign I made)

Too many hits, haha

I think I programmed 60 without thinking about how long that takes. In the future, he'll definitely be nerfed. One idea I had was, every 20 hits, your health is restored, but I think it'd be best to simply decrease the hits it takes. 

Some rooms just don't exist yet, but it is playable all the way through. After collecting five tablets, you go to the healer and he'll give you the sixth tablet and a key to the final boss. That's my bad for not making it clearer, haha. I just ran out of time dealing with an ear infection and forgot to add the text saying "Looks like this room is blocked off".

That said, I'm thrilled to hear you enjoyed it :3

We definitely are looking at fleshing it out, including better collision effects, a variety of enemies, and maybe twin-stick-shooter elements, at least for bosses.

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