You’re welcome!! That’s something I hope to achieve. My brother and I have been speculating ideas for a game we wanted to create together, and we agreed that if we are able to inspire and/or leave an impression on people through it then that’s a huge accomplishment to be proud of. So yeah, I respect when games can do that and actually mean something to me, like yours.
Also, yes, I totally get what you are saying! The most important thing is that you’re happy with what you do and your life in general anyway. Of course just because a game is made at least mostly for profit doesn’t mean it’s bad and I very much respect those in that field, but it’s just so nice to see someone doing what they’re doing just because they want to. A game doesn’t need a bunch of fancy graphics and loads of functions, or even a lot of characters, to be ‘good’. Sometimes the simplest games are the best ones.