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A member registered Mar 19, 2018

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What does "unlocked entire legacy gallery" means? Didn't notice anything at all

(2 edits)

Harold and Darius (look at Darius face..) losts their charm and sex appeal...

Spencer is more cute!

Dozer are more... Scary. The muscle are reaaally big

Chester is still the same, hot as usual but his bulge...

Maria is not fabulous anymore...

The others are great. 

The thing is. For ME (I know, who is that guy, right?) they aren't sexy anymore.

I loved the game cuz it was a mixture of hot characters and great story! 

Is not the games that u usually find with a lot of muscle and skinny white guys that just want to have sex every single time with that same poor story and wasn't either a game that the story is very cool and catching but the design is too much clean and really not exciting!

And now... I know that u have some "fight", I don't blame anyone and I'm not asking for u to talk to the old artist! I really know that the actual artist is doing his best but... Couldn't have some changes? If not following what I said, use what other people here asked for. 

I really love the game and appreciate your work, 

stay cool and... please don't let the game be just another one.

xoxo, UrsoCosmico

This new art is for the mobile or for PC too?