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A member registered Feb 03, 2020

Recent community posts

Follow up if you find her. Im having the same conundrum. Best of luck!

Ive done everything i can find in Act 3, slept for multiple weeks and revisiting locations, but Claire has yet to appear anywhere. In the same logic, Lyx wont appear either?

What better way to learn about how save people who have become NPCs, than to save Orion from being an NPC? 馃

Teresa's older sis (Teresa's house)

This game is a masterpiece. 

Works fine for me

This game is amazing. Probably my favorite so far. Great job - can't wait for more.

Looks interesting but subjective opinion man I really cannot stand the MC

(7 edits)

Anyone know how to get:

- Cindy's 5th scene

- Others scene 16

- How to use Music CD

- The location of the cosplay store during Angelicas date to speak to the counter girl again

Edit: Only clowns down vote people asking for help :)

For anyone seeing this and still wondering, try the bathroom at Emma/Angelicas house Tuesday at Noon

Still trying to figure this out. Can you elaborate?

This was a fun game - great work. Just curious if it is now considered complete or will there be more updates? Thanks and be well.

Good news! Thanks for your response. You are the one <3

On android, is it possible to continue your save file(s) across updates? Would be a shame to lose all progress. I started on 3.2 and love the game, but dont really want to restart whenever 3.3 drops.