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A member registered Apr 30, 2020

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ironically this is a provocative statement but i think this magical girl is actually a demon, and it lives inside me

i'm going to be real, i was incredibly drunk. i'm going to figure out how to delete comments and then do that. thanks for the reminder! i forgot this existed

nah, you get to choose to say himself or herself later on

love the concept but this game is kicking my ass

"Hey, Lisa!"

"Oh, hi Mark!"

I see what you did there

i just wanted to have my fun little gay times and now my immigrant ass is crying in the club

this is like, sick as hell. resisting the urge to like, 'binge' the endings bc i don't want to just skim this so quick it loses all impact. if i wasn't myself a transgendered, you better believe i'd be donating my life savings to this puppy right here. (as is, all my funds are already going to support the trans community. just - one member, specifically. more, on birthdays). this is just so excellent

this game is torture bc irl i would do ANYTHING to sustain a convo about haloes (celestial) w an eccentric stranger. and all the options relied on me wanting to talk abt VIDEO GAMES instead??? when realistically i'd join this guy's cult and THEN slowly turn him into an atheistic* gamer femboy??? anyway 10/10, would play again, ur a visionary

*i would actually just make his religious views even weirder (i.e. informed by judaism), and i would NEVER deprive him of that manic wikipedian je ne sais quoi, but it rolls off the tongue better that way, i think

i don't have it in me to elucidate what this game did for me so i'll just say uhh.. you know what maniepanie52 said? comment right below me? ditto. while that experience is, as i just discovered, unfortunately no longer accessible to me (i now have a brother named mathias and that shouldn't matter but due to some personal baggage it's apparently too fucking weird for me ALSO WHY DID U NAME HIM THAT LMAO i need to know now and im gonna go trawl old posts to see if it comes up somehow. uk he's the patron saint of alcoholics? ik cause my mom. and not bc she's christian... if u catch my drift) i remember it fondly and it deserves commemoration. keep up the good work, my guy (or don't! that's ur prerogative). 

Obviously you can only say so much about a demo, but... if the whole game is the same quality as this sliver of it, this will probably be the best game i've ever played. 10/10 premise, killer execution - it would be easy to coast off of the absurdity at its core but the writing really isn't that lazy. and that hook at the end is PERFECT, makes me feel like the concept is going to be used to its full potential, not just... thoughtlessly, for shock value. i keep telling myself to stop playing demos and getting my hopes up (for when they inevitably don't pan out) but honestly, while my hopes have definitely been up-ped, playing this was worth it, no matter what does or doesn't happen next. sorry if this comment makes no sense, i'll try a more efficient way to communicate the basic sentiment: !!!!!!! good. 

insane to me that this specific dynamic is so re-creatable and so immediately recognisable - even though it also is pretty specific in ways that don't line up 100% with my own experiences, vis a vis the non-western home country aspect (though there are some ...specific things, there, that I can relate to. for reasons too convoluted to explain here. either way, i really appreciated seeing that here. the line about knowing the word in english but not in ....? surprised me, in how well it fit, how much it could've been something i would say. it was... refreshing? i'm glad that the universal - at least, universal for a disproportionally queer, relatively young itch audience - didn't eclipse the specific, basically.  I think this game is better for it). 

the same thing happens in the other route, too. I assume it's because the game's not done, so you just have to wait until it's updated to continue.

please tell me how you found it...?...?

Uh... Actually, it can. I tried it, and it made the graphics lower quality than they would have been otherwise, but it worked just fine.