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A member registered Dec 29, 2021 · View creator page →

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Thank you, I'll do my best to live up to your expectations!

Thank you for your support.

The itch version is a free game. I'm receiving support in the form of donations.

The high difficulty level is planned for only Patreon supporters.

I'll change the notation in the game to prevent people from misunderstanding like you did in the future.

Thank you all for playing.

I've made a few tweaks to address a bug that prevents damage from working on zombies and players.

Since we don't know the cause of the problem, we changed a few related processes in a way that would slightly improve the accuracy. We will continue to work on finding the cause of the problem.

(1 edit)

Thank you all for playing!

I've fixed a few bugs that I found in your videos.

・The volume light would not turn off when the picture quality setting was "Low".

⇒This has been fixed by setting the default to Medium as a temporary fix.

・The debug item (カードキーR) appeared.

⇒Removed debug items from the scene.

・Fixed a problem where the button icons at the start of the game were labeled as gamepad buttons even when the game was operated with the keyboard.

I'm still new to Unity, so it will take me a while to work out all the bugs.

(I'm hoping to fix a few more during the New Year vacations)