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A member registered Dec 22, 2019 · View creator page →

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(3 edits)

Thank you to the entire team for making this thoughtful game.


[[[ Vague Spoilers ]]]


Downloaded this game to see how the Hanahaki trope would play out while searching for more horror games, despite having an idea of what would go down.

In genuine truth, this story made me realize a lot about myself and the relationships I've had with others - from family to friends. So much so that it made me bawl several times over and reflect on familiar words and thoughts within the text, haha.

I hope anyone who plays the game and relates to their hardships, that they're able to find joy and grow. Even if it's hard and takes a while, I'll keep doing the same!

Didn't expect to resonate so strongly with John and especially ZX5, but it's a huge testament to the visual direction and the writing as a whole! :crying_emoji:

A comforting, heart-wrenching story about deconstructing messages you grow up internalizing - yet so loving and hopeful for the future that lies ahead. I can't wait to see which projects you work on next and how the world of Avalon develops, should that be your intention.

Thank you for creating this game!