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A member registered Aug 30, 2016 · View creator page →

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Hey! Thanks for the comment And yeah, you can probably run the adventures just with the pamphlet!

The other version has more optional rules, but its major parts are monsters and tables to create content for the game.

Have good songs and adventures!

Poxa, que delícia ler teu comentário! Valeu mesmo por todo esse carinho 💚 Quero muito ver como ficou sua versão. Se puder, me procura no discord: coolwayink

Obrigado novamente e ótimas canções!

Poxa, muito obrigado! Feliz demais que curtiu.

Valeu pelo apoio 💚

Hey, Merle! Thanks a lot for your message There’s no french version of the game yet, but I think it will be awesome. I know nothing about the french community so feel free to reach to me at

Just updated the text on room 3!

That’s it! I think I might change the text in the observatory to make it clearer.

thanks for the feedback 💚

There’s one right in the beginning. Maybe I should bold it too or even make it seen more important

Hey! Isodoro, it’s super possible It’s been a while. Think I’ll do it tomorrow

Hey! Thanks for supporting my work 💚

So yeah, Defense reduce damage. If you’ll take 2 damage and have 1 Armor you will take only 1 damage. It can be really powerful, so I usually recommend make it available after the first dungeon at least.

The bottles are useful containers and I kept it because I saw a lot of good ideias coming from it: light beetles, coffee, glue, a devil, etc.

I hope I had answered your questions. Have good games!

Sure, hit me at

Me chama no discord! coolwayink

Olá, Nana! So sorry for the delay. We’ll have a Brazilian version of the game distributed by Luz Negra Editora. But if you interested in the english version I can receive it via PIX and sent both digital and physical copies of the game.

Poxa, muito obrigado! Tô testando bastante ele e curtindo bastante.

Valeu mesmo pelo carinho e apoio 💕

Poxa, muito obrigado! 💕

Olá! There’s a lot to be revised and changed in the book, so I might change the quests. But “evil” is open to the table to define, as most of the quests are. I don’t know exactly what you mean about the stereotype, but I design this trait thinking about orcs as pig people.

Thanks for the comment!

Olá, Nik! Thanks for sharing it I will upload a proper version for printing ASAP!

Thanks a lot! I really excited about this project, I’m slowly testing and refining it. I’ll sure get back to improve the pdf as well!

That’s why I make these things. I got inspired by other people and people consuming it. Love to read your comment. Made my day! Thanks.

Wow! That’s an awesome idea! The discord is still there, come chat with us

Looking forward to see your work

Aaaah Brigado, Murilo! Espero que te ajude a se divertir com os pequenos!

Que bom que curtiu! Logo logo chegamos

Olá! Thanks for the question. In this case, it’s actually 5 dice for each player. 15 in total. Playing the song is actually easy, the difficulty is to make the tricks.

Awesome! The quest for abilities is the heart of the game. It’s cool to receive feedback from it. Thanks

There you go!

Am I old or discord links expire too soon?

Thanks a lot! That really makes me want to do more 💚

That’s sweet of you. I’m glad you like it 💚

No worries! The plan is to add for every 10 sales. I may be behind, so I guess very soon

Olá, Alice! Not at all, we’re receiving everybody interested in the game or the jam, Brazilian or not. Joins please:

Awesome to hear from you. Thanks a lot, Gabes! Glad you liked 💕

Sure thing! Let’s suppose we have a group of 3 players trying to play the CHANT OF CROSSING (which has notes 1,3 and 4). Each player will roll 6 dice, 3 as base + 3 of the number of players. To play the music successfully they have to roll at least one 1, one 3, and one 4 in all the dice rolled.

If the party is also trying to make an enhanced effect, they must have all notes of the song and the requisite of the enhanced effect.


  • They are almost the same. There are some subtle differences in the text, but the major one is the success in 5-6
  • I had it written and just published
  • There’s a logo on the page above! Tell me if you need anything else

Awesome feedback! I need to see how it plays at higher levels because at the first ones when it happened in my tables, I was able to adapt given the quest a more player-facing goal. But I’ll look for how to advise other GMs to adapt easily. If you happen to play, please tell me how it goes!

Hehehe thanks 💕

Thanks a lot for your comment, Joey! I think the white space helps to create focus and gives the layout a more premium look. I’m super glad to know that it resonates with you.

Good suggestion! I’ll think and test it at the table. Tell me if you had a chance to play it. Thanks a lot.

Thanks, IGKU! The book is a WIP, and the layout and text are something I’ll surely revisit. Comments like that help me focus on where to improve. Thanks a lot.

(1 edit)

Fez meu dia aqui! <3

Thanks a lot for your comment. I’m really glad you like it. I am sure gonna adjust some things in the project as I’m playing it, but the mission is to keep it always simple.

About the magic fumble, I might change the text because actually, any sequence of numbers will be a fumble. You can’t have a fumble with one die, but with two dice you might roll 3 and a 4, 5 and 6, 1 and 2, and so on.

The characters will be a little more competent than in BX, but I wanted it to cap on 4 and have most of it around 1 and 2s. But as with everything I’m still testing it all, so please tell me your impressions

Yep, but that’s a 50% of chance of it be consumed