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A member registered Mar 08, 2020 · View creator page →

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Makes sense also I think people from yandere AI game maybe interested in this but I'm not sure how to go about it. I'll let some people know what your working on if the server allows it. Keep up the hard work!

Fair enough and I mean the llm is good but like idk how you got to set it up but like I just kinda wanna see what it would do or say more independently but also love the option and opportunity to do sexual activities but would love for it to kinda have its own ideas and choices but yes I love what your doing. 

Also I do build in blender so I mean if and when you get a discord maybe I could help but I'm not very good but I'd love to help if I can.

its pretty cool but not enough animations and no outfits or anything cant have her even walk around and  that would be cool also a discord would be cool but i like the idea                 

also fyi she tends to start repeating if you try and ask her to do her own thing she will just go on about how shes yours and keeps thinking shes talking to bob. 

my names not bob ._.