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A member registered 24 days ago

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I hope not, I don't want to see my dog being molested, poor thing. 馃ゲ

If you're talking about Grey fold, then you have to become friend both of Debris Walkers and Rusty gang. After they both give you the keys to destroy the respective clans, you have to talk to Rusty's daughter. You need to increase your charisma to convince her to stop the war. I suggest you to wear the necklace that lady unicorn gave you (I don't remember her name, maybe Susan?), the red light club dress, the chains at your feet or the high heels, and if it's not enough, buy a beer and drink it before talking to Rusty daughter.

Hello! Thank you for your suggestion, you were right. My poor character died so many times because I didn't feed him for weeks 馃ぃ

In my opinion people who are working on this game are still building the world, so they'll probably add some buff or some thirsty influence on other drinks. Plus it would be cool if when you drink a shot of something, it gives you a couple of hours of some useful status. 

Same here, I was curious about an adult game and it turned out that it's a frigging cool survival! I love this kind of rpg.

The solution should be this: leave all the companions at your shack or whenever you prefer, then reset the number of your companions. There should be the proper command to do that. It will upgrade your number of companions from 2 to 3.

Thank you! I tried to leave Robin to Nogas but the problem was that I couldn't travel without dying for apparently no reasons. It turned out that I was just hungry and thirsty. XD Silly me..

Nice! I died many times but it was funny anyway. It would be cool to give the possibility to the player to reach quests through different ways. For example: if I choose the forest path, it would be better to have the possibility to find some clothes around, so you can enter the town without the necessity tomeet the other guy. Maybe a path can be more dangerous than another one but still. I hope to see more content because I like this kind of games! Are you still working on this? 

EVERYONE!! I think I understood what was wrong. It probably happened because my character was thirsty and hungry. Shame on me, I left him dying so many times... Anyway, I successfully bought the ex slaver, but they never gave him to me. (I wanted to free him). I also failed the slavers quest because I killed all the slavers after the older one molested the poor girl. So now Derek doesn't talk to me anymore (lol, not complaining BTW, I hate slavers xD). Looks like I'm stok with babili town. There's also that woman that asked me some favors but I don't want to satisfy her in any way. I hired Roland and the human Cheetah. I hope I'll be able to destroy all the slavers and the cannibals but I can't rn. I can't also enter to Elysium because I don't reach the parameters. Hope to be more lucky with the next town. 

Any update for the bug I'm facing? I can't play since a week because everything I do gets me a fatal damage of over 9000 (and I'm not joking). I'm at Babili but this bug showed up at Greyfold just when I almost completed it (I only had to choose to activate the missiles or to talk to lady Roxanne to bring peace between the Rusty gang and the Debris Walkers). I successfully traveled to Babili recovering an older data folder, but after some interaction at Babili, the bug showed up again. Another weir thing is that I wanted to help an ex slaver that is now a slave. I planned to buy him and free him after that, but when I obtained the 500 gunpowder, the option disappeared. :( I'm playing the good route, so I want to fight bad guys. I hate Derek but I also tired to accept his job to see if it could fix the situation with bugs someway, but obviously Robin run away, but I can't even leave Robin at my shack at Nogas because if I travel, I die because of that weird super fatal damage. I can't do anything. I'm stuck. Can you help me? I play on browser and I use the 8 data blocks at disposal of the player. Sometimes I delete an old saved data so I can resave on it new data. I have 2 companions. (Robin and the doggy). 

Hello! Sorry if I'm bothering you but I'm stuck since some days because I constantly die for a fatal damage of - 9847 or similar, which pops up every time I try to travel, to rest, or even when I win a quest... Plus I'm at Babili and I've found an ex slaver who's now a slave. I'd like to buy and free him (I'm playing a good root) but when I gained 500 gunpowder, the option to buy him suddenly disappeared. Maybe it's because I already have two companions with me? I thought to return to Nogas and leave my friend there because Babili makes him uncomfortable, but I can't travel without dying. I also tried to talk to Derek (I didn't wanted to because I hate that guy xD) but obviously if I accept to became a slaver, my companion runs away. So what's happening? Is this a bug? I am playing on browser, I use the 8 save data slots at disposal of the player. Sometimes I cancel one data and resave on it because I don't know how to save them on my phone (android system, I tried to download the data but nothing happens). I don't use any cheat. Any suggestion? I also want to compliment with you because this game is very creative and really fun to play! Good job! 馃憦

Thank u for the informations! I was wondering the same!

Hello!! I didn't know about this, thanks for the info. I have a problem about casual fatal death! Basically my character suddenly dies with zero reasons even after I win or successfully end a quest. Also I can't travel without taking 9847 damage points or something. Do you think it could be the same reason? No matter how many times I recover older data, it always ends up like that. 

I've read from the notes of the author that he's not interested in giving the possibility to create a female character for now, so I guess that hermaphrodite is out of his plans at the moment..

I had the same issue and suddenly realized I haven't killed them xD

Hello! I'm new here. First of all I want to compliment you. This game it's really interesting and well balanced. The story works well and the tasks are funny! I like that it's possible to choose to do almost anything and there are consequences of your actions. I was looking for something different and I found this game! I didn't even know what an adult game exactly was before I tried this one, but it turned out that it's just a regular game with options out of the ordinary in it. Which I appreciate because I find it creative. That said, I have a question: I'm playing since some days and I'm having fun in trying to follow a good route. I finished Nogas and almost completed Greyfold when suddenly something weird happened: basically anything I do causes me fatal death with something like - 9832 (I don't remember the number precisely) damage. Even if I win a fight or successfully complete a task or even if I survive during a travel from a city to another one. I'm stuck because no matter what I do, I'll always die because of this super damage that pops out of nowhere. I don't use cheats or anything. I play on the browser, I save on the eight blocks available. Sometimes I cancel one of them and save a new session. 

Any suggestion?