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A member registered Jan 17, 2023

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I really enjoyed Ezmore’s Crystals. It was a fun Adventure game with a simple yet well executed storyline. I really enjoyed the map design with nice landscaping because I feel it definitely brought the game to life with the lively colours and smooth animations 

<span class="NormalTextRun SCXW100895999 BCX0" <they="" were="" two="" things="" though="" i="" feel="" on="" my="" end="" could="" use="" improvement.="" the="" first="" being="" controls="" how="" you="" move="" your="" <="" span="">There were two thing I feel could be changed or improved on. First being controls and how the character around, using the mouse to me seems a bit odd and I had some issues were id get stuck in patches near the trees because my curser wasn’t able to reach the grass. I believe something like arrow keys or using WASD could be a helpful feature to the game. The second thing was the gates. When I was looking around the map, I had multiple incidents where I accidentally went through gates that I shouldn’t have been able to go through yet. I’m not sure how you’d fix this issue, but I feel it gives off a jumbled or incomplete storyline if you accidently glitch through the gates.</span> 

A few things I applaud you for is the incredible job of making the characters come to life from the drawings we created. Being able to see some drawing my younger self, made be in a game is really fascinating giving him his own personality and everything. Another thing that stood out to was the weapons and health potions, I really like the potion idea giving you the opportunity to play further in the game. 

<span class="NormalTextRun SCXW39278343 BCX0" <the="" main="" menu="" had="" <="" span="">The mains menu had an amazing and simple design having the feature for newer or less experienced players to be able to play on an easier mode to let them learn and get to know the game better.</span> 

I enjoyed the simple, yet effective sound affects chosen for the game from the fighting and battles sound to picking up a loot bag. There were so many fun features to play around with, and I really enjoyed the game 4/5