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A member registered May 08, 2021

Recent community posts

Anybody else having trouble with the Orc quest? I finished everything up to Ograms final challenge but he won’t give me the next quest.

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I’m a little confused with the structure, does the game not open up to being sand box anymore like the first build or is it just chapters now? Asking because it’s getting kinda confusing and feel really constrained playing 

oh definitely my comment was just about the tags so the game is more visible is all

Found this by accident and like Paul’s route. Think you might get more people to find the game if you update the tags with gay. Would’ve found this a lot sooner if it was there 

Seconded! A toggle between the old and new art would be much appreciated. 

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Is there an option to where you can  disable the artwork so you just see the dialogue?

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Wondering the same thing, I miss their art. Second game I’ve played where they’ve changed the artist for a worst one.

What happened with the original artist? Are they ever coming back?