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A member registered Mar 08, 2023 · View creator page →

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Thanks Darius!

I'll hopefully return back to this idea at some point.

Hey Bunnyviking,

The idea of a hardcore survival game centered around farming is quite alluring to me, so I'll see where it goes. I somewhat intended to add a status display of sorts where you could see how your plants were doing but after implementing the basic mechanics I left it at that.

Thanks for playing!

Hey William,

I am adding a few things to the description that should help clear a few things up, check it out if you are interested.

Hey Loressa,

Thanks for you reply, I made this game with a very general idea of how I wanted it to turn out, and I think this is where I fell short. After completing the basic prototype I felt like there wasn't enough material for me to turn it into something that would be enjoyable and my motivation for it entirely ceased.

You had a few questions that I'll answer here.

  1. The term "Physical" is a term used in godot's input system that describes a physical button, and when adding a shortcut to a button in godot, this term appears within the tooltip, so the user can learn the keybinds.
  2. Each plant should also have a tooltip, describing various traits about them. The three kinds are Kumara, Taro and Yams.
  3. Harvesting is done automatically, and I admit this leaves much to be desired in player feedback.

Also to be clear, your difficulties are entirely reasonable, the game is, in its current state, horrifically unbalanced and all values were pretty far dettached from reality. Soil quality and temperature were used as ways to create multipliers for plant growth and plant health and can either ruin your crops or barely effect them.

All in all I did see some potential at the beggining, however with limited scoping and direction it fell flat in alot of ways. Feedback is very helpful for me to improve so thanks for all the time you spent on it.