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A member registered Sep 01, 2018

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How do you activate the cheats?

Probably. Gutted.

You remember how far was on it?

I'd long since beat Beeber and I think Star was about level 250 or something. Lol

I've lost my save! :,( :,( :,(

I'm on day 99 now, but I can't make so much money with only the ladies I have, hence the question about the 2nd floor.

Star is at level 60 and has 329 points per stat. I have the other ladies at 20 to 53.

Plus the 3rd boss Boober is defeated, so it's only the money to raise for rent I have issues with.

Bux, no I didn't mean the bar or the boss. I meant the accommodation you have.

I have the accommodation filled with pairs of bunkbeds, gloryholes etc but at the top of the screen is 2 arrows pointing up and down and beside it is 1st floor.

You can't access a 2nd floor?

How do you access the 2nd level?

RPG comments · Replied to Bux in RPG comments

Is there any cheats for SimHo? It's well bloody hard, even on easy difficulty.