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A member registered May 10, 2019

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Played the Demo and really liked it! There are some things that should be changed though.

Firstly, the game is incredibly easy. I found myself never below 60 health during the whole game and I wasn't even trying.

Secondly, the shotgun was fun, but it felt completely unnecessary to use in the game.  The shotgun needs something that sets it apart from other weapons/abilities, like a certain enemy you need the shotgun for, or you can use the shotgun to launch yourself in the air to go further.

Thirdly, I got stuck when I got the reality hacker pencil mode for 15 minutes because I didn't realize how to erase and draw to hack. Is this because I didn't read the notes? Probably, but plenty of other players are going to make the same mistake. Players are idiots. I personally would trap the player in a room where the only way out is a door with a hack screen. 

I really enjoyed the game art, and it felt very polished, but lacked much of a game-play loop. I feel like the combat lacks "target" enemies, where you have to prioritize getting rid of them. Maybe a machine-gunner that slowly aims towards you and streams bullets while you try to outrun his aim? Maybe a shield wielding/armored person that you need to get up close to or hit from behind to kill?

 The slide tackle seems kinda pointless right now. Maybe if there was a certain enemy that could only be countered by slide tackling it to destabilize it?

Either way, I'm definitely going to play the full version of the game when it comes out. Great work!


Can we have this on mobile?

This is the best small game though

Good luck :)