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A member registered Nov 03, 2022 · View creator page →

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Better question, why did you play it?

Apologies lol.

Boredom my friend, sheer boredom.

And look on the bright side, it could have been worse....

What's shown wise i mean, this is pretty damn low on the actual....everything, just a bad game in general lol.

There was 0 thought put into this.

only keyboard spam.


(1 edit)

There is not gonna be a remake.

But instead an original game that still uses Murder Drones, tester demos have been released but after my laptop got fried all progress was lost.

I'm gonna try to restart it but things may change because of this, it will likely take awhile as i'm trying to improve my art for the game.

What the fuck lmao.

Thank you?

I may make a part 2 cause i deleted the files awhile back, or I may remake the game longer and make it more serious.

I may or not not remake this at some point but less as a joke.

That or just do something completely different with a new story.

You see the average human needs 15 pounds of cocaine to create this monstrosity.

This took me 0.

just legalized weed to not wanna die after making this.

Idk what to say, glad ya enjoyed it.

Oi m8 mind changing the credit for me to my more recent name? "Ares"

lmao i love how stupid this comment is

Best game ever, 10/10 would recommend.


it's beautiful

I'm trying to get the EXE working so it's playable after download