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A member registered Dec 02, 2016

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You should really work on the lighting. it's a little hard to see sometimes.

it also would be nice if the collectibles gave off a small sound so you could head in that direction.

It's a good concept so far, first thing I'd recommend is to lower the angle on following camera angles since it makes the camera too compact to see anything outside a few feet. second thing I'd recommend is to change the shoot button to the space bar, if you intend to use it later as a jump button, then perhaps the left click button on the mouse.

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I tried that, it didn't seem to do anything

Do you mean the loading screen, language selection, or splash screens?

Ok, i got it, it's the loading screen after the splash screens, not the starting loading screen to the language selection.

So i open up the game, get past intro screen, and i only see like a pixel of the screen, is there a fix or something i need to do?

concept looks good so far, though the pov camera may need some work cause i found my camera tilting a lot if you move around too much.

Hey, your game,  one night at Shinyss, is missing its nw_elf.dll file, may want to fix that.

two things i would add is to maybe ease up on the power drain, as it drains way too fast when you're doing nothing IMO.

also a tell sound when an animatronic is at the door, cause mangle left the door, and as i was trying to conserve power, i decided to hold back on checking the cameras for a sec and she immediately jumped me again with no warning.

other than that, it's pretty good so far.

Why not just have sfw and nsfw versions with the nsfw version being the paid version?

i do like the fact that we have checkpoints, plus the move speed is tripled from the original. Plus theres a gallery now to work with which is fantastic!

however, while it's not a big deal, the ghost enemy can be pretty cheap with her game overs, since there's no warning for the player to react to her. If you're looking at the box, or from the flashers, she'll just jump you and that's it. But again, the checkpoints do help alleviate the damage.

Do i need to reset my save to see the new image? I cant seem to find it in the gallery on mobile. I have about 117 M beers a second, not sure if that's a factor.

Why is this tagged erotic?

Bar Tapper community · Created a new topic Rework thoughts

heyo! Glad to see this back up, I played the original and even pointed out that the counter was off (glad to see it working properly this time, lol)

Anywho, as far as what I've seen so far, it's pretty good. Doesn't take *too* long to increase the pace of beer production and any option unlocks (like costumes) don't take too long, I also like that the girls now actually have buffs and abilities instead of just being eye candy.

One question I do have is, are events like images and scenes going to be purchases, or will they just unlock naturally as you progress like in the original?


really enjoyed the first one, can't wait to see what the second one has in store!

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I dont know if it was just my run or what, but i got five keys and nowhere to use em. am i missing something

Edit: So as it turns out, one of the doors was blocked by level geometry, and I think it blocked the way to the escape door. May want to have your level ge erator tweaked a bit to prevent that.

The player, make it so the player can trip enemies to extend a combo, stuff like that.

Not sure how advanced you intend to make the fighting, but defnitly would add some heavy, as well as high and low attacks.

Why does this have an erotic tag?

This game is definitely off to a good start. Only thing i'll say is that if you make it to the door and Frankie catches you as it fades to black, it still empties your inventory.

Other than that, great game so far. One suggestion I'll make is to maybe expand the floor or add multiple floors for future installments as the current building would get crowded very quickly with four animatronics.

Ayo, this was a surprise to see today!

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Damn :/ was really looking forward to seeing more scenes from this game.

This really about to become the new main project, lol!

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I started the game and every girl was already restrained in the tube trap, couldn't switch damsels or anything. was this intentional

I can definitely see this being the basis for a good game, but the one big thing I think should be addressed is the cleaners, or more specifically, the lack of them. There definitely needs to be more options to buy cleaners.  

if you don't mind me asking, where's the secret in the first room? I can't seem to find it.

Question, how do you get the 7th secret? Is there one in the first portal or in the tutorial area? cause i swear I've found all the ones in the main area and in the second portal.

You run up against a wall while holding shift and press spac

Basically, just run back to the area you started at and run through the fire walls in between the two pillars. You should see the exit after that.

This was a pretty good game, but i got some bugs in my play. After the wind glyph unlock i couldn't go through the next portal, and after 4 or so captures, both the models broke and just T-posed into each other during the caught scene. Other than that, very promising game.

can we a get a checkpoint mode? Like, after you get caught, you can just reset to the last flag you crossed?

So will there be more animatronics added or is it just Chica?

I like the direction it's going in, only thing i recommend is a way to distract the enemies, since it seems like there's only one way around them and that's by tanking damage.

Cant wait!

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Quick question, how do you get the different endings? is it a timer system or something?

I thought of an interesting reward system for this game (should you be interested.) Basically, a system where the longer you survive, the better your game over animation is.

So, less than 60 seconds gets you basically nothing, 60 sec+ gets you a basic handjob. 2 mins gets you a bj, so on and so forth. 

Other than that. Games a fun little time waster.

Are there any other scenes besides becoming naked? If so, how do you find them, cause i'm having trouble?

It's mostly NSFW from the secret and ending 2. You get those by getting over a certain score per level for 100%, and then getting under 15 mins total for all 3 levels for secret.

Tothehole community · Created a new topic Some glitches
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heyo! I found a few glitches on android. 

1.When you go the gallery, only one monster spawns and you also don't have a dick, preventing you from seeing the scenes. Also a pink square follows you around and there's a box at the top saying "you are not authenticated to log in."

2. I think 2 of the monsters are stuck outside the room cause there's one monster that just rubs up against the outside of the wall.

3. Sometimes game overs will start and end instead of giving you the retry symbol. Not sure what causes that one.

decided to try windows and it had some of it's own glitches.

1. Same animation glitch where it just plays both animations without input.

2. Gallery has the android control scheme instead of windows, plus all the other glitches i mentioned.

3. When playing the game regularly, You have to tap WASD in order to move instead of just holding it down and moving. Also, your dick spawns away from your body.

Is there an alternate ending for getting all the carrots, cause i swear i can't get the 5th carrot above the chasm.