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A member registered Feb 08, 2020 · View creator page →

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merci FL8 ;)

merci, un jour... peut-être que je reprendrai tout depuis le début pour le terminer correctement. Il est trop difficile =D sinon, pour les additions, il y a gumbers deluxe ou europanic 2, je m'en sers souvent en classe.

merci, c'était pour une Jam ;)

Je ne pourrai jouer que dans une heure mais je sens déjà que ça va être incroyable !

(1 edit)

Ça force le respect ! Bravo ! Hop, j'achète ! =D

Woooooow... here comes a new challenger ! Instant buy ! I love your style !

Good job ! Thanks a lot ! If i manage to release my game, i'll buy it !

Nice but... hard to read this page ;)

Aaaah, voilà pourquoi je pensais reconnaitre FL8 =D

Faut que je me trouve des potes ! Bien joué Fax ! et... ce ne serait pas de la musique de FL8 ça ?! =D

Come back Gustavo, we miss your assets ! =D

Hi ! Other characters are gone ? Aas i remember, there were 4 characters before... am i wrong ?

Great ! I love when educational games looks like games =D

So inspiring ! Thanks !

I had problem with paypal too but it worked. Don't try twice, cause you will buy twice =D I did it with the hero sprite =D

Merci beaucoup ! Je te montrerai ça sur le Discord !

Sorry, i forgot to say "The game is not finished, i had to post it to get a link for a JAM."

thanks ;)

Wow... so many details with so few pixels... this means you are a great artist !

too bad, i don't have any credit card, i use paypal... it looks so amazing !

This is AMAZING ! Congratulations ! 

Instant buy ! As usual =D

I don't need this kind of assets but i have to say that they are really beautiful ! Amazing work !

Another instant buy =D I think that i nearly have all your assets... one day, i'll make a game, i swear !

Simple but very nice ! That's smart !

Instant buy =D

Thanks a lot ;)

Official World Record !

Bravo pour ce remake intéressant ! Les graphismes sont jolis, il y a des effets comme on les aime... c'est du très bon travail !

Superbe remake, c'est beau, c'est propre, le gameplay est toujours aussi efficace... je m'incline respectueusement !

There will be a tutorial, i've put the game on itch to let my friends try the new version of my old game "gumbers10" which is already on google play. I'm trying to improve it and i need players to know how to make it better ;)

Thank's so much !

Hugues is back ! Amazing sprite and happy to see your sprites again !

MARVELOUS ! Really, look at your project page and add some tags to help us to find your music... Thanks and congratulations, this is so good !

Wait... this is here since more than one year and i don't know it ?! These tracks are just awesome !
Maybe you should add some tags on your itch project page ;)