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A member registered Sep 17, 2022 · View creator page →

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I feel like if the game had more variety with the sounds it might be a bit harder. I liked how stressed I was feeling throughout the game and I liked the story. I wish there was more! Super fun game! :D

I agree that level 8 is a bit on the hard side but, I always love a good challenge. The music and the art fit the theme so well! Really fun and hard game!

I like how you have to use the light switch to help you platform and grab those portal things. I also really like the SFX and jazzy music at the start. Well done, very cute and fun game!!

I love the concept and the art style. I was not expecting it to be as hard but I love a good challenge! It was a little hard to figure out how to utilize the mechanics but I was able to get the hang of it. Really fun game! :D

I love the game makes you feel on edge with the music and the monster. The only feedback I have is that it would be easier to tell if you were moving if there were some particles around the player. Really fun and scary game!

I think it was an easter egg but, if you go all the way to the left in the dark area, you will find a rubber duck! :D

I love the puzzles where you have to look around the house to find the light switch and to unlock areas. I do think it would be cool if when you put the cd into the player, it played some sort of music. I also wish there were more levels but other than that, really cute and fun game!

As I was playing the game, I felt very immersed with the music and puzzles. I also love the art style because it feels mysterious. I got stuck on the part with the sideways light switch and I wasn't sure what to do.  I think the sound of this game really puts it over the top. Amazing and super fun game!!

Yea sorry about the canvas size, I'm pretty new to Unity WebGL so I am not sure how to make it so it will auto adjust. Sorry!

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When I run the .exe, I keep getting this message. How do I fix this? 

(1 edit)

I love the art style and I think the SFX are really good. I feel it would be really cool if the upgrades increased in price every time that you bought it. Other than that, really great and fun game! This was my highscore btw

Very fun and cute game! I do wonder why the rubber duck was there though...