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Coco Moon Games

A member registered May 14, 2022 · View creator page →

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Nice job :) I was able to win

Updated to fix sound, and add additional UI to show remaining jumps and dashes :)

I will definitely be using this for game ideas :)

Thank you :) I do want to add an option to export the book as a manga or a comic, as well as adding a cover and optional page animations. A collage mode might be possible in the future, after I improve how it handles textures. Right now every change requires a new texture to be created, instead of storing the textures and calling on them as needed. This is my first program and it was fun :)

Awesome tool, could create some vampire survivor like levels really fast :)

It is a nice idea, unfortunately I kept getting an error message saying access violation and was unable to create an icons. But the idea is great and the interface was self explanatory :)

Very cool, was easy to use except for the colour picking, which hurt my wrist a bit pressing the middle mouse button.