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Cobra Code

A member registered Jan 22, 2020 · View creator page →

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Awesome, thanks!

(1 edit)

This looks absolutely amazing and the amount of animations is insane.
Great job!

Will definitely use this in a tutorial video at some point :D

Edit: Like others have also mentioned the license is a bit confusing though. I think it's fine on the itch page now, but the Readme that comes with it has some contradictory statements.

Like it's fine for commercial use if credited, but then below it says Commercial Licensing may be discussed if you are interested.

Thanks, didn't know about this.

Yeah it would be a huge amount of work and for me this project is pretty much over and I'm working on the next thing 🙇

Hey, thanks for showing interest in the game.
Since this game is made with Unreal Engine 5 though it needs quite the powerful device to run and even if there was a way for me to create a gamecube build, it wouldn't be able to handle the game.