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A member registered Feb 04, 2024

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This is excellent! love it. USed to drive a 7840 and passed my tractor test on a 6640. I wish someone would do the 60/TM series just as good. Keep up the good work

Excellent map! by far my favourite US map. Couple of points, the bale sale location could do with either bing taller so chasers can be sent straight there or the unloading area extended so it is further outside the front of the building. See pic.

There are locations on field 49 a headers width down the side of the road that can't be cut with a combine -so I am thinking you don't own the first strip of the field when you buy it?

There are also some bits in Field50 on the slop that are at such an angle you can't cut them

I can't wait to see what you do with it in FS25

Fantastic map! as said the swan song of FS22 no doubt. Worth a donation for sure.

Couple of issues. If you have the Ahyndrous Mod or the Ahyndrous Precision farming mod already installed the map won't load. I know it's built into the map, but when you get used to selecting all mods to play a map, and having to remember to turn them two off is annoying or finding your one new mod and turning it on manually in a list of hundreds because you can't select all....

Also most fields have some major issues when using  Courseplay and sending a combine around for the first time. I would suggest each field s watch as the combine cuts it on the first run with square headlands and then the relevant items/trees moved back or the field shrunk slightly. This would just finish the map off and make it easier on anyone who uses CP.

As said the map is fantastic though, a good selection of field sizes and shapes, make it my favourite US map.

Has anyone created an AutoDrive route for this map yet?