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A member registered Jun 08, 2016 · View creator page →

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This was a really well made silent hill p.t. game 

Had fun giving this game a try! 

Tried out the game! :) 

Cool Horror Game enjoyed trying it out!

Really neat horror game!  I enjoyed trying it out! 

Enjoyed trying out this game!  Here's my let's play for it!

Enjoyed giving the game a try! 

Nice pizza horror game!  Enjoyed trying it out! 

I like the idea of turning a ball pit into a terrifying horror game!  I thought the concept for it was cool! 

Short but scary!  Enjoyed the game! 

Enjoyed trying out this horror game!  I thought the concept for it was great! 

Enjoyed trying out this horror game! 

Cool Horror game!  I liked the idea of each area being a different color with different objectives.  I have to admit when I saw the primary color man I didn't know what I was expecting and managed to get jump scared.

Gave the game a try! :) 

I really liked the build and atmosphere in this horror game!  I'm interested to see what plans you come up with in future updates for this game!

I liked the idea behind this backrooms game.  The fact that something was always coming after you was terrifying as well!  This is one of my favorite backroom games to try out so far! 

I like the game!  I thought this was a really cool backrooms-style game!  I was constantly scared while playing as the atmosphere and sounds kept giving off this unsettling vibe.  

I really like the game so far! I enjoyed the unsettling atmosphere along with the puzzle features in the game too. I enjoyed going around and exploring each area.  The fact that you were able to make each part of the game feel as though you are being watched at all times was also cool.  I can't wait to see what new things you add to this game in the future! :)

I had a lot of fun trying out this horror game!  The game had some great jumpscares too.

This whole game caught me off guard, especially with the jumpscares!  This game was terrifying and fun to try out!  Great job. 

I thought this was a really cool horror game!  I like how it was based on little red riding hood too. 

Had fun giving this game a try.  I thought the concept was cool especially for a 1 minute horror game. Great Job I also had included this as part of a 3 in 1 horror game video that I did too.

I thought this was a cool concept, especially for a 1-minute horror game! I also included as a part of a 3 in 1 horror game video that I did! :) 

This Pacman game was amazing!  I was terrified the whole while playing this game.  The atmosphere and overall quality of the game was really well made! 

I liked the Mr. Clean game idea! The game was short and enjoyable! 

Enjoyed playing the game! 

Enjoyed trying this game out!  I thought you did a great recreating the squid game levels into a video game too!

I really enjoyed this horror game!  I liked the little bit of comedy added to the game as well!  The objectives and overall idea for the game was great too! 

This game was quite terrifying!  I liked the game style and story.  I liked the idea of having more than just 1 ending for the game as well. 

Neat horror game!  I thought this was a cool horror game 

Game was was really scary. I thought atmosphere and environment was great too. This game starts at around 4:30 in my 3 scary games video. 

This was an interesting horror game.  I enjoyed trying it out. This game starts at 11:00 in my 3 scary games video. 

Enjoyed giving your horror game a try.  The game was scary and had a pretty interesting story as well. This game is also the first one I played in my 3 scary games video too.

Great job on making this horror game!  I was impressed with the atmosphere story and objective for this game.  I can tell a lot of work went into this horror game.  

Had fun trying out this horror game!  I thought the concept was cool I also liked the objectives in the game too!  Great job. 

I thought this was a clever idea for a horror game. I included this as part of a 3 scary games video.  The game starts at 21:00.


Enjoyed trying out this horror game!  I included this as part of a 3 scary games video.  The game starts at 17:00.

This game was really scary! I liked the atmosphere and idea behind this game. The story for this game was very interesting too. I also included this game as part of a 3 scary games video too.

Wanted to play some slender so here's a video of me trying out slenderman's shadow!