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A member registered May 05, 2021

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Heya, bought the app a little while back, haven't really put it to use on my own stream just yet, question though:
From what I can see the way you make the app track the redeems in your channel is through the Twitch login that you do when starting the app.

 Is there any method to monitor other channel for the redeems without logging as that channel's owner?  I do co-op streams with a friend and since we put my avatar there along with his, I am using other app for letting his viewers throw things at my avatar; would like to use Vtuber+ for that as well, but unsure if it's possible currently.

Cheers, and thank you for working so dedicatedly on this app.

So I think I am doing things right, but it's not working out.

Boot VSeeFace, enabled "Send data with OSC\VMC protocol", open TIFA, entered the Twitch ID and selected the VRM, but then everything goes black (text disappears). Doesn't seem to take any input, OBS definitely captures nothing from that window.

What am I missing?