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C.M.Cas Games

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Se la vences y salvas, serás teleportado/a a la posada en el pueblo. Ella permanecerá allí durmiendo por un tiempo. Visítala varias veces e intenta hablar con ella. En algún momento te preguntará si quieres que se una a ti.


(4 edits)

If you spared her, she will show up in the village some time later.

Have fun.

Besides Mervina, you can have 3 other followers at the moment.

You can recruit the mercenary orc at the mercenary camp.
You can do a quest to Stella and find another follower.
After the village upgrade, you can try to find another member exploring the Forest map. Defeat her and spare her, then talk some times with her, and she'll offer to join you.

You can't join the guild in this game version. Will come in future updates.

Good game.

With affection;
C.M.Cas Games

Sup, Steffan!

Talk with her in the village some times. After she leave the street, you'll find her in the Pawn Shop. Talk with her there, and she will join you.

Hope you're having fun!

With affection;
C.M.Cas Games

(2 edits)

Hi, Steffan! Good?

No, theres no language change options. 

Maybe in my future games i can add this option to play in my mother language or english, but not in this one.

Thank you for your post. Have a good game.

With affection;
C.M.Cas Games

Buenas, Richard!

No update que está por vir terá explicação de cada escolha na criação de personagem. Mas, no geral, cada escolha dá um bônus diferente de atributo no início do jogo. Por exemplo, se tu escolher o Deus da Guerra, você ganhará bônus no atributo Ataque. Se em seu traço você escolher Inteligente, ganhará bônus de Ataque Mágico. Essas coisas.

Em ser Cruel, Neutro ou Bom, além do bônus de atributo, também mudam algumas opções em certas ocasiões.
Por exemplo, se você for Cruel, na hora de falar com a Natharia no início do jogo, você terá a opção de pedir para fazer sexo com ela. Se for Neutro ou Bom, não terá essa opção.
Neutro é o padrão, que segue as coisas de modo normal.
Cruel te dá opção em alguns momentos de agir de forma cruel.
Bom te dá opção em alguns momentos de agir de forma bondosa.
Tipo o sistema de karma do Mass Effect.

O plot principal não muda, independente das tuas escolhas, o que muda é como tu vai decorrer por ele. Se terá determinado aliado ou não. Se ganhará um item mágico foda ou não. Se terá apoio de outras vilas ou não. E por aí vai. O plot é o mesmo, mas terá finais diferentes de acordo com tuas escolhas.

Já a classe, vai do teu estilo de jogo. Se gosta de jogar com tank, pega Santo, se gosta de porradeiro, pega Espadachim, e se  gosta de magia em área, pega Arcanista.

Espero ter explicado tri.
Obrigado pelo comentário.

Bom jogo.

Com carinho;
C.M.Cas Games

Hey, Akadiu, sup?

I'll take a look in this and work on some directions with more details in the game to get things more clearly.

Thanks for the feedback!

Good game.

With affection;
C.M.Cas Games

(2 edits)

Hey! You are my first player to comment here! Yeey! Congrats!

Some details about the game at now:

About the level of the monsters, yeah, it will scale with the player. But the player get stronger than the monsters with the Points Allocation, Training status grow, some activities that give status grow, some hidden easter eggs give status grow, some rare itens that give status grow, and equips. The secret to get stronger is not your level, but your traning outside battle; your status. For now only the Attack training as been add. The HP training will come in the next update, with the best equips a adventurer can buy.

I'll put more attention in giving players directions.  But for know, you did everything what have to do. Farm, kill monsters, f**k girls, and couple of simple quests. There's not much than that yet. It's early in development, but thanks for bring it up.
Oh, and to make this walking around a bit fun, theres some random events with the girls in some parts of the maps. It'll trigger when you have a girl with a event in the location.
*A little bird told that a orc like to drink at Tily tavern*

Money will be a little easy to get  in the next update with prices adjustment. I've no intent on making a hardcore grindy game.

Thank you for the feedback! It will surely help me to do better.

Edit: New version released: v.02

Good game.

With affection;
C.M.Cas Games