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Club Xero

A member registered Feb 01, 2020 · View creator page →

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Hi Briar, thanks for creating another fantastic game—I really like what you’ve done here! This (along with Armour Astir) should be on the radar of anyone interested in the intersection between narrative-forward gaming and mecha anime (aka the best intersection).  The playbooks absolutely rule, and I also really dig the streamlined faction mechanics. 

Anyhow, just wanted to point out some issues I noticed in the text. Both the Fallouts section and character sheet refer to Personal Heat, but this statistic isn’t defined anywhere. 

It’s also missing an explanation of how you determine the value of your three attributes; I think I figured it out from context & from comparison to other FitD games but would like to see an explanation in this text somewhere. 

The Captain playbook’s move ‘Underlings’ feels like an instance of giving the player permission to do something I would have assumed they could do already. Might be worth a second look or a bit of clarification. 

Also, this is more of a personal thing, but I tend to like my rule sets as lean as reasonably possible, and I honestly really like the density that this game is at right now. My (no longer secret) hope is that going forward it won’t become much more complex, e.g., by adding a lot of new systems.

Anyway, awesome stuff—thanks again for making another winner! :) 

Just wanted to say that this owns. 

I think the mechanics look great as is, although I'll keep an eye out in case you add new stuff later on. Thanks for making this! Btw, I love that two of the three super moves are about relationship melodrama--just perfect.

This is so good, just download it. The dating sim elements are *thoroughly* spicy, and the fighting mechanics are a totally ingenious distillation of the fundamentals of classic 2D fighters, as solid as you'll find anywhere. This is GOTY material, if you ask me. 

Thanks again, Adam!
I legit can't tell you how much I appreciate the encouragement.

Per your suggestions, I'm gonna' go ahead and switch my existing games to a PWYW setup ; seems reasonable! And when I do (eventually) get around to dropping a paid game, I'll most definitely be offering community copies. Cheers! 

Dang, you are amazingly kind to say that! I'm glad you're digging these. :)  One of these days I'll probably experiment with making a paid game (presumably something with better layout, art commissioned from independent creators, proper testing, better print options, and so on). For the time being I'm just trying to make them as accessible as possible, and enjoying the freedom that comes with not having to worry about terms of use and all that. If you ever decide to try running a game of Biocalypse (or any of 'em), please let me know how it treats ya'!