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A member registered Apr 20, 2021

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name: pyro

kwami: fire (elemental kwami)

superpower: creating flames, explosions, anything fire related

transformation: pyro, let the fire burn!

detransformation: let the fire settle!

favourite food: chili 

weapon: sword that spits flames

miraculous: bracelet out of ruby

superhero name: aidan 

gender: male

name: narelle

kwami: water (elemental kwami)

superpower: tsunami, breathing under water, anything water related 

transformation: narelle, let the waves rage!

detransformation: narelle, let the waves settle!

favourite food: watermelon 

weapon: a lasso that can shoot water 

miraculous: necklace out of aquamarine

superhero name: marina

gender: female 

name: enki

kwami: earth (elemental kwami)

superpower: earthquake, growing plants, anything earth related 

transformation: enki, let the earth quake!

detransformation: enki, let the earth settle!

favourite food: walnuts 

weapon: axe as heavy as giant rocks 

miraculous: a ring out of emerald

superhero name: torin 

gender: male 

name: aria 

kwami: air (elemental kwami)

superpower: flight, storms, everything air related 

transformation: aria, let the storm begin!

detransformation: aria, let the storm settle!

favorite food: cotton candy 

weapon: bow with arrows faster than the wind 

miraculous: earrings out of citrine 

superhero name: celestia 

gender: female